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Click for Kwangju, South Korea Forecast

2007-06-15 - Really, it is:

So, whales, eh? Who knew!

You know what else is rockin my socks these days? Suicide Food, that's what! Korea's agricultural and restaurant sectors seem to built upon this very concept. I'll take some pictures for you.

And also, today's Overcompensating made me pee my pants a little.

Speaking of Overcompensating, I ordered the Inter Nets Ouija shirts. By mentioning this, I am entered in a contest. That is how amazing my life is at this point.



Seriously though, I am pretty happy with things. The only real problem is that time is going too fast. And my job takes up too much time. But mostly, I really like stuff at the moment. It is pretty good.



I am currently in the home stretch! I will have a solid working draft complete by July 9 (which is my deadline, incidentally). I cannot tell you how awesome this is.



This week The Daily Show / Colbert Report have been really awesome this week. Like, laugh out loud and annoy your neighbours awesome. It's been a good week!

But it hasn't all been John Stewart's and Stephen Colbert's doing - the news has definitely been ultra-rich lately. you can't make that stuff up! I fear for the future. Honestly, are all the people in charge giant assholes? How are these people still in power? Why hasn't the US totally collapsed upon itself? It's a good thing that Stewart/Colbert can numb the pain.

Canada may have some shitty leaders, but at least no one is blatantly incompetent. I don't like Harper, but at least he doesn't ignore the Constitution as flagrantly and belligerently as Bush does.



So, here in Korea, the rainy season will be starting next week. Bring on the oppressive heat and humidity! Bring on the torrential rain of the monsoons!

Say what you will, but the Koreans have some of the best umbrellas I have ever seen. I'm pretty sure you can use them to help support/fortify the foundation in the event of a building collapse. They cannot turn inside-out, people. It is amazing!

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