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2007-02-11 - Wildcat:

I've been super into listening to Ratatat as of late. I've been listening to them almost exclusively for the past week or so, and I just can't get enough. So I thought I'd share that information with you, because I like you.



So the rabbit. He is pretty funny to watch. It is hard to watch a rabbit hop around and not giggle. Anyway, I like to watch the rabbit fall asleep. Because he does it hilariously. Here is his step-by-step sleep thing:

1) Rest coupled and semi-upright on haunches, forefeet tucked under chest. Best location is in a sunbeam.

2) Lose one's balance while nodding off, listing dramatically to either the left or right.

3) Wake oneself up from said falling over.

4) Look around, blink, and return to position in step 1.

5) Repeat steps 1-4 until one wants to eat some alfalfa hay. Then, repeat steps 1-4 again.

It is funny to watch any animal fall over while sleeping. But this rabbit is especially funny because he seems preoccupied with lying in a specific position that relies on personal balance, which will absolutely cause him to fall over once he starts sleeping. I will try to video tape it so you can see just how giggle-inducing it is.



I'm not sure why this was made, but there is a lot going on. 1) Is it a boy or a girl in that cow suit? 2) It's ears are pierced. 3) The boy/girl has blue hair. 4) The child is holding a tommy gun. WHY?!

More on the costume front:

While kind of silly, it also makes me giggle.

Even weirder:

This sign is from somewhere in China. It is pretty excellent. In addition to the obvious mistake of Cunt Examination*, what exactly is "Fetal Heart Custody"?? It sounds like a bad, divorce-proceedings valentine. "You have custody of my heart" or some such thing. Having custody of a fetal heart though, that seems even weirder. "You can have the child, but I have CUSTODY OF THE HEART!"

* How would that go down, exactly? "Hello, welcome to the hospital. How can I help you?" "Well, I'd like to have my CUNT EXAMINED." "Certainly, ma'am, right this way, to the CUNT EXAMINATION ROOM."

Going back to furry animals:

This picture makes me feel that raccoons are really creepy. He seems pretty confident walking on two legs. And his look is both confident and inquisitive. It's like he's just walked into a gas station for directions. "Excuse me, where is the lake? I seem to be lost. Also, can I have a bag of chips?"

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