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2007-02-01 - Someone Set Us Up The Bomb:

A lot of people are talking about that viral marketing scare in Boston. The whole thing is really silly, on a number of levels:

1. On one hand, the ad campaign could have been executed better. I am in favour of guerrilla artwork type things. But, if you are trying to advertise something, I think you need to take a slightly more obvious approach than setting up what are basically overblown Lite-Brites. Call me old fashioned, but if it is an ad, I think the product/event/service/whatever needs to be indicated in some way so that people know what you are trying to say.

2. On the other hand, people totally overreacted. The general American public is really paranoid these days. Anything that looks a little weird and has some blinky lights is not automatically a bomb. If people are going to set bombs, they usually intend for them to, you know, explode. Putting flashy light bulbs on your bomb(s) seems counterproductive, as it would draw attention to said bomb(s). That's why bombers use nondescript packages to plant bombs. A bomb in a plain old box or a handbag isn't going to scream "HEY LOOK AT ME! I AM SOMETHING!"

3. They are making an Aqua Teen Hunger Force MOVIE?!?! I am not really a fan of the TV show. But whatever, it is a TV show, only 30 minutes, including commercials. But a movie? That is a bit much, isn't it?

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