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Click for Kwangju, South Korea Forecast

2007-01-04 - Even better!:

I think I've mentioned before that I play Risk on Saturdays. The arrangement was made by a friend who also is co-owner of my favorite bar in Gwangju. So, on Saturday afternoons, we all meet at the bar and play Risk and drink beer. Hooray!

Last weekend, the conversation veered towards childhood fort-building out of blankets and pillows and whatnot. One of the regular players, Pete, said that he wouldn't make forts, he would build Air Wolf! He and a cousin would build Air Wolf out of pillows and blankets, climb into the cockpit, and then watch Air Wolf. So excellent!



I'm reading Mao: The Untold Story, and it's really well-written and very excellent. But, it is taking me a while to read because the content is so difficult. I picked up the book because I didn't really know much about Mao, although I did know that he was pretty evil and killed millions of people. But I didn't know any details, or how.

But, now that I am learning about it all, I can't believe how much of a sociopath he was: how he didn't care about anyone except himself and his own interests, and how he established total control over every aspect of life in China. He did it so well, that he kept virtually everyone else - at home and abroad - in the dark about his true motives and plans. The fact that someone with such malicious intentions can do so well for himself is just maddening, and I keep having to put the book down and cool off between chapters. It's crazy. But, I'm glad I'm reading about it, too, because it's important to know, even if it is difficult.



It's a good thing that there are things to cheer me up again after reading my current book. It's easy to smile when you look at something like Cute Overload or The Daily Puppy. And, as always, there's Stuff on my Cat, which always makes me laugh.



Best. Tailpipe. Ever.


Camo is amazing!

And, lastly, CUTE BURGER:



This week I watched Little Miss Sunshine. It was pretty awesome. I laughed my ass off. Maybe you would like it? I think it is even better than Napoleon Dynamite. EVEN. BETTER.

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