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2007-01-09 - Briefly:

Did I tell you that I am rabbit-sitting? I am keeping my friend Mike's rabbit for a while. He has to conduct a lot of teacher training sessions that are 5 days long and require trips and overnight arrangements and whatnot. So, the rabbit gets to live on my veranda!

Did you know that rabbits are really dumb? They are like chickens, only much cuter. That is about all rabbits have going for them. Not that I'm complaining: he is not difficult to take care of. He has free reign of the veranda, where there is nothing that he can destroy but can run around a lot. He poops and pees in his cage area, so he isn't so messy. I gave him a couple of boxes to play with, and he seems pretty happy. It is easy to please a rabbit. All you really have to do is feed it and let it run around a bit. But, they are not very rewarding pets because they don't seem to remember or understand the things around them. They're like goldfish. At least dogs and cats can remember the people in their lives and understand things like furniture and windows. Even if you don't like dogs and/or cats, you have to admit that they are not stupid.



I got my first editorial response for my correspondence novel course thingy. I'm really pleased because my author person is very helpful and constructive, and I pretty much agree with her suggestions. Some stuff I thought I needed to do or change already, and some stuff I didn't even think about, but I completely understand what she means and why. It's good to know that my self-edits are merited and not just me being OCD, which I am sometimes. I don't want to talk too much about here, but I just wanted to let you know that I am really happy about it all. I've wanted to write a novel since I was, like, ten years old, so it is really good to finally do it and have direction and acess to someone who can give me professional comments about it as I go. Hooray!



Yesterday I went and got my first-ever massage. It was a Thai massage. Acutally, it was pretty good, although it was kind of painful in places. I tend to have a lot of muscle tension in my neck and shoulders, mostly. But, some areas of my body are just really, abnormally sensitive. And not just places that make sense: I have sensitive upper arms, and ribs. Since Thai massage is kind of a full-body deal, my arms and ribs kind of hurt now.

But, despite the tenderness, I also feel a lot more limber in my usual tension areas. So I guess getting a massage was a pretty good idea. Afterwords, I felt really relaxed, and I slept like a log. I'd totally do it again.

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