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Click for Kwangju, South Korea Forecast

2006-12-21 - A bit of everything:


I quit smoking about a year ago. I am pretty happy about this.

Did you know that if you are a boy and you quit smoking, you will have larger erections and better sex? It is true! Smoking constricts blood vessels. There are blood vessels in your penis. If they are constricted, you will have a smaller erection. Increased blood flow = increased sensitivity. That is why when you touch your dick and its soft, it doesn't feel as good as when you touch it and its hard. If you increase blood flow to your penis, it will be more sensitive!

My friend told me this. He is a nurse. Now, it's all I think about when I see a guy smoking. If you date a dude who is a non-smoker, you are pretty much guaranteed that his penis will be functioning at maximum capacity (assuming he doesn't have any other issues). So! Now you know!



Asia is known for its vending machines. It has a lot of vending machines, in weird places, and they sell weird things.

Korean vending machines often sell a drink that is basically sweetened, carbonated milk. That is pretty weird. And it tastes bad.

But, today! On TV, they were talking about a new kind of vending machines that sell fried eggs. For about 50 cents, you can buy a fried egg in a paper bowl. The paper bowl has a fork and salt and pepper taped to the bottom of it. Here's how it works:

First, the machine selects an egg. The machine takes the egg and cracks it into the bowl.

Then, the bowl is put into a pressure-cooker that cooks the egg in about 10 seconds.

Finally, the machine makes a rooster noise (I don't know why, roosters don't lay eggs) and the paper bowl emerges from the machine, steaming hot.

I'm not really sure why you'd like to buy a fried egg on a whim, let alone out of a vending machine. But you can! If I ever come across one of these machines, I will take a picture!



So, I've told you how two things work. But actually, I'm a bit preoccupied with something else.

A friend of mine, whom I've known since I was a baby (our parents have been friends since high school) was in an accident. Basically, he fell down a bunch of stairs, and now he has a head injury. He was in a coma for a week, and now he is waking up, but he is acting strangely and the doctors say that he has a brain injury. They won't really know how severe it is, or if the damage is permenent, because it is too early and he is still kind of out of it to run all the tests.

But, my friend is now spending Christmas in the hospital, and there is no telling how serious his injuries really are. So, I'm worried about him, and I can't visit him in the hospital because of the overseas thing. I sent flowers today, though, so he knows I'm thinking about him. I hope he will be okay.



I updated the comic yesterday. It's late because my computer was acting strange. It's fixed now, though.

Anyway, I just wanted to add that there won't be a comic on Christmas Day. But there will be a double-length comic the following Monday, so that is happy. Just so you know!

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