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Click for Kwangju, South Korea Forecast

2006-11-29 - MacGyver never had a moustache:

Yesterday, on the way home from work, my full 500ml water bottle opened in my messenger bag. in addition to soaking my lesson plans, a book, and my agenda, my cell phone was also submerged.

When I got home I peeled apart all my lessons and laid them out to dry. I fanned out the books and laid them on the in-floor heating. And, for the cell, I went at it with a hair drier. While it still technically worked, the display had totally gone blank and was pretty much useless. So, after about 20 minutes of pushing the mouth of the hair drier into the nooks and crannies of the phone, I turned it on and hoped for the best.

Would you believe it: it actually worked! My phone is as good as new! So, you can save a water-logged cell phone if you go at it with a hair drier and cross your fingers. Just so you know!



So you have probably heard, the bird flu is in South Korea, thanks to migrating birds. While I'm not that close to the outbreak site, distance is a relative term in a country the size of New Brunswick (or the state of Maine, for you Americans). Don't worry, though, I will be safe. I'm kind of germophobic anyway, so I have an extra advantage. Fingers crossed!







On Saturday night I went out drinking, and while parts were kind of a blur, I do remember this: when I got home I realized that I'd lost my keys. So, at 4:30AM, I got into a cab and went to my nearest friend's house, woke him up and explained the situation, then crashed on his floor. In the morning, we went to my place and called a locksmith so that he could open up the place again. I do have two spare keys, which happened to be inside.

So, while I have never lost my keys in my entire life, I have lost them twice in Korea. Somehow. Last time I was able to track them down, but this time I have no idea where there are. The only downside is that I lost my electronic public transit keyring dealie, and my souvenier keyring from Nagasaki. It's not my only Nagasaki keepsake, but still.



I am watching Independence Day on TV and I forgot how extremely warm and fuzzy, everything-is-awesome the ending is.



What is wrong with these children? It looks like they dropped acid before playing the slime game.

I don't even know what to say about this. The mullet: spectacular. His enthousiasm for his guitar is unbridled. Also, I am not sure how he is able to stand like that without losing his balance. And the moustache... well, we all know how I feel about moustaches. (Hint: they suck and are awful).

I'm not usually squeamish, but I don't know how this person can handle this grub thingy. It makes me feel all creepy. Kind of like a moustache.

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