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2006-06-01 - Yogurt and me:

Do you want to know something? I am getting a yogurt maker! I am excited about this, because I really love yogurt.

It all started because my friend Mike got one. His awesome girlfriend Hemi got it for him. She bought it on the internet. Anyway, Mike made yogurt ASAP and then wen I was over there the other day I tried some. And it was really good yogurt. Later, when Hemi showed up, I asked her where she got it. Then she offered to order one for me off the internet! So I was all over that, and so was our other friend, Brendan. So now Mike, Brenden and I will have matching yogurt machines.

This is exciting because we are old.



I went hiking and my legs are really sore now. But I feel Good About Myself, which is the most important thing. I am totally out of shape, so I want to do things to not be so rolly-polly.

I used to be pretty fat. In University, with the cafeteria food and the beer and the sedintary lifestyle, I gained a lot of weight. Like, a good 80 or 90 pounds. I was up to 240 pounds. It was so not cool. That is how much Homer Simpson weighs, and we all know his health situation. Plus, bying fat clothes wasn't really fun.

In my last year of University I lived with some cool people who were into eating healthy and I wanted to do that, too. So we did that and I slowly but surely began to lose weight. That's pretty much how I am: I get around to doing stuff, but I am kind of a tortise. But never fear, he wins the race.

So anyway. After University I started cycling a lot. Like, 80 kilometers, 3 or 4 times a week cycling. That helped a lot, too.

And living in Korea has made me lose weight for sure. Because 1) I am generally pretty active seeing the sights, and 2) The food largely consists of vegetables and is generally pretty healthy stuff.

So anyway, that is my story about that. I'm not sure how much I weigh now, but I am definetly noticing a difference. I want to do more hiking, since there are mountains everywhere in Korea. And I want to buy a bicycle so I can do little cycling jaunts during the week. Also, using my bike, as I was before, as my primary mode of transportation really makes a difference.

So that is my little rant about my chubbiness. I am still a bit chubby, but not nearly as chubby as 240. I'm definetly below 200 pounds now, tho I'm not sure by how much.

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