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2006-05-27 - Drinks, games, and pictures:

I have to tell you something. I am addicted to this online game. It is called Dofus. It was invented by some people in France, and they have an English version, but all the names are French, still. But that's OK. Anyway, my point is, I didn't mean to get addicted to it, it just kind of happened. It started back in February... I was looking for something to kill time on weekday evenings before CSI or House came on (Yes, we get those shows out here in South Korea).

On weekday evenings, I am kind of tired from work. And I don't usually feel like going out, especially in February when it's dark and depressing and cold. Summer is different, but still, the grown-up part of me is like, "Don't stay out too late on a weekday, because you have to get up early tomorrow!"

So anyway. I wanted to play a game for free on the internet. Free was the key. I am cheap sometimes. So anyway, after some googling, I stumbled across Dofus, and it turned otu to be really awesome.

Now the deal with the game is there is a free-to-play (F2P) version, and a pay-to-play (P2P) version, too. With P2P you get to do a lot more quests and explore the whole map and whatnot. F2P is good, it sucks you in, and pretty soon I was giving money to be P2P and access more stuff. It is craziness. And I play like, all the time. It's not a time killer, its starting to be a problem. It's so nerdy. But I can't stop. I just keep playing and leveling-up and buying armour and selling my drops and all that dorky RPG shit that most people don't want to talk about because they don't want everyone to know they are a dork.

But, oh yes, I am a dork. I am so dorky, I want to tell you about it, diaryland. You should be happy that I am that comfortable with you as a friend, diaryland.



So last weekend, I got pretty tipsy on Friday night and Saturday night. I usually don't do a double-nighter, because I like to be able to do other things on the weekend - during the day - where I'm not lying in bed or on the couch going "Jeezus I am so dumb." But I did it, twice. It was pretty bad. Sunday was a total write-off. Whenever I opened the fridge for more water on Sunday, and saw the beer that I have in there, I'd be like, "Oh man, I have beer... sickass." That bad. Well, not so bad that I barfed, but to be honest, I am not much of a barfer. It's like that episode of Sienfeld, where Jerry says he hasn't barfed in like 12 years or something, and then he barfs in the bathroom of a bakery while wating for George and Cramer to show up, and Elaine makes fun of him. So, it hasn't exactly been 12 years or anything, but I really hardly ever barf. I just get crappy hangovers the next day, and the beershits. Don't roll your eyes at me. You know about the beershits. Everyone knows.

So anyway, on Thursday I made a nice dinner and I thought, hmm, it'd be nice to have a beer with this nice dinner. But I couldn't drink any more than about 1/3 of the beer. It was so dumb. So I feel like this weekend I will be on a break. Maybe I'll resume the party-ness next weekend. But this weekend is going to be chill.



Do you know about David Suzuki? He is a pretty awesome guy. If you are Canadian, and you don't know who he is, you are probably dead or a hermit or something. He is one of my favorite people. And, apparently, he is a sexy old man! Damn, David! You is fine!

These people are Korean. I am not sure what is happening. Or rather, I know exactly what is happening, and I can't understand WHY. *Insert joke about Coke-heads here*

The man in the picture is the best.

I don't know if I showed this to you before or not, but you should see it again. I have mixed feelings about the sock monkey sweater. Part of me is thinking, "That is so stupid, who would wear that?" And another part of me is thinking, "That looks comfortable, and I suppose certain people could pull it off." And then I stop looking at the sweaters and wonder why the hell these models are wearing CLEAR PLASTIC PANTS.

Lastly, I think these signs should be EVERYWHERE. FOREVER.

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