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2006-03-11 - I'm crazy, and a nerd:

I haven't forgotten about Uber-Galaxy, the update is just taken longer than expected. It will be good, I promise. I got a full time job in addition to being an internet person. It ain't an excuse. I'm just sayin.


The science people found a totally rad new animal. It is called the yeti crab. This excites me for two reasons:

1) I get really happy and excited whenever someone finds a new species of animal. People always think they know what the world is up to. Then the world goes, No, you don't: check out this animal!

2) This new species has a totally cool name. I would have probably named it Yeti Crab. I mean, look at it. Usually a new species has some name that makes it sound boring. I think more animals' names should capitalize on the animal's appearance. Like the yeti crab, and the elephant seal. I mean, come on people look at it for chrissakes.

Anyway, check out the article, and click on the image to enlarge it. It is so totally enlarged, it is amazing.


After a brief bout with a cold, I am back on track, with the exception of a lingering cough. Last night my buddy Mike had a little dinner party. We all participated in making spaghetti sauce from scratch, and preparing a side salad. By "all" I mean me, Mike, and his girlfriend Hei Mi. It was so delicious. We had a lot of wine. I danced. Mike took of his pants. We drank strawberry smoothies with soju. Hei Mi fell asleep during kareoke(sp?). A good time was had by all.

Here is a fun fact. Koreans do kareoke too, but they call it Nori Bang (it's spelled 'bang' but is acually pronounced 'bong'. I don't know why). Nori is the verb sing and bang means room. So, effecitvely, it is a singing room. so smart.

When I got home I forced myself to drink a lot of water. When I woke up, I didn't have a hangover at all. So excellent!


So this morning, I watched TV for a while, sippin more water for hydration's sake, and then CNN did this little speil about coffee. And I was really down with that, thinking I could go for some fresh brew myself. So I make my way over to the coffee maker, open it up, and realize that it's been sitting with a filter full of wet grind and a pot of stagnent coffee for at least a week. Hello, mouldy mass! So I had to wash it, of course.

As I'm preparing to wash out the coffee maker, I get irritated by my sinkful of other dishes that I meant to tackle on Thursday but didn't. So then I was like, this won't take long: and start doing ALL the dishes. Everything must be clean.

So as I'm doing the dishes and whatnot, I notice my shelves are all messed up and not The Way That I Like Them. When my mother was over, she did all my dishes because she is a nice houseguest. But she put everything away in The Wrong Place. Because I am mental, this really bothered me. So then I had to organize the shelves in The Correct Way. Which took a while.

Anyway. Finally, I managed to get coffee in order. Like, 45 minutes later. After I had done the dishes. And fixed up the shelves. and had a shower. Because I have to be clean too, to match my neurosis.

I'm kind of a clean freak. If there is mess or clutter, I go insane. Like on Thursday night, when I decided 9:30PM was a good time to vacuum the whole apartment.


Started reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. Really good. It's sucking me in, the way Kafka on the Shore did. God, I love this man. Haruki Murakami, I know you are old enough to be my father, but next time I go to Japan, we should totally make out.

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