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2006-02-12 - Photoshop has made my cynical:

Apparently, I am the last person to realize that the one-eyed kitten is not a hoax. Well, now I know! And so do you, in case you didn't.


Trent Reznor did a PSA for PETA. It is a pretty good ad. I am just a little surprised, I didn't know that Trent Reznor was into PETA. He just struck me as a very morose, dark guy. I didn't know that he really gave that much thought to puppies and kitties being OK. I am glad, don't get me wrong, i am just a little surprised, I guess. Anyway, check it out!


Maybe you noticed that I have been linking to Wikipedia a lot for various reasons. That is because it is the best website ever. It explains everything. It is so great!

Anyway, last night I was out with my friend John. Over a few beers, I mentioned Wikipedia for some reason. John got very excited about that - apparently it is one of his favorite websites, too! Then we started talking about our favorite articles. We talked about this for at least half an hour. We are totally nerds. You can totally do the drill finger* at me for that one.

* The "drill finger" is when you point at someone while fully extending your arm. The pointer than twists his or her wrist as fast as possible, so that the pointed finger mimics the action of a drill. The pointer must also yell at the pointee, based on the reason for doing the drill finger. For example, if you are drill fingering a person who is lying, you would do the drill finger action and yell, "LIAR!!!! YOU ARE LYING!!! LIAR!!!!" (I forget how this started, or who exactly started this, but it was probably when we were drunk.)


These pictures are just so crazy:

This picture cracks me up every single time I look at it. The dog has big chompy teeth! Ha ha!

Oh Japan, you are so crazy! Why would you make this statue? I don't know!

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