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2005-12-17 - Updates updates updates:

I got the whole leaky ceiling thing taken care of. The people in my building are looking into the matter to get it fixed and everything. It took longer than expected because it turns out that the place I thought was the landlord's office is actually a lounge for the elderly people in the building (WTF?)! But I got that all organized and someone helped me to actually be able to speak to people.

Today I cleaned my apartment, which is not that exciting. I wanted to try and listen to the Election Debates on CBC radio but I made a mistake on the times and so I only caught the closing statements. But they were good closing statements, let me tell you! I already know who I'm voting for, but I still like watching the debates to see what goes down. The last debates were totally entertaining, and they got toally heated and stuff. It was great. It is great watching potential future leaders try and stay composed when they are obiviously totally pissed off.

Oh remember that annoying kid I mentioned last entry? I ran into that kid again, and she tried to invite herself over to my house AGAIN. Sorry kid, I don't want to hang out with you on Sunday, you are in grade six. Plus, you're rude.

I've been feeling shitty the past week, but I'm feeling a lot better now. Every so often I just want to have time alone where I can just relax and do whatever I want. It is sometimes harder to do that here because on the weekend usually everyone wants to party and/or go places. I like to do those things, but I need to be left alone sometimes or I will just go crazy. 98% of the time I am totally up for doing anything spontaneously, going on trips and all that stuff and staying out until the sun comes up. But that remaining 2% of the time, I just don't feel like dealing with the outside world, okay? It is nothing personal: just think of it as a way that I recharge for doing that other 98% of the time stuff. Okay? Thanks.

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