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2004-11-17 - I thought adults had a secret club, until I became one:

Okay, I feel a little better now. It also makes me feel better that 6 of Bush's 15 cabinet members resigned. Oops!

Okay, I'll stop being so negative, now.

I'm actually doing pretty OK. I've been reading a lot. Brainstorming a lot for my novel thingy. I can probably finish it in the next year. Maybe I can even get it published. Right now, though, it's just something I want to get done, above all.

And of course, there is the usual grown-up stuff that I am doing. I feel like I am pretending, though. But, I think most people are. I work with three other people my age. Today, we were left in the office alone. One of my co-workers suddenly blurted, "Are there no adults in this office at all?" And he had a look on his face like a kid who has just been left home alone for the first time. But really, we all felt a little unsupervised, somehow.

Once I was talking to my mom on the phone, and asked her when she started to feel like an adult. She couldn't stop laughing.

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