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Click for Kwangju, South Korea Forecast

2004-11-12 - Warn the kids!:

Makes you think! Link stolen from Steven Cloud.

My neighbours to the south make me very, very nervous.I know that a fair amount of the inhabitants are not scary redneck cowboy religious freaks, but all the ones in charge are. It makes me want to move to ICELAND. It's nice and far, and nowadays, most everybody leaves it alone. Which is why I switched my longstanding gas mask man, to the more ominous mickey mouse gas mask for children, made by artist Bill Barminski. If you miss the old gas mask guy, he is still on the archives page.

I've been feeling more and more political, and more and more irritated and worried, lately. The world is big and a lot of things in it are very, very troubling. The Ivory Coast makes me sad, but no one seems to be doing anything, except holding their breath and watching. Yassir Arafat died, but I doubt anyone willing to make peace will take his place. And even then, things won't begin to change there for a long, long time. There are no quick-fixes, and somebody should tell ol' Bush that.

And for those of you on the mailing list, i still stand by Jeffrey Rowland's flabbergasted eagle. Because I don't think anyone else in the world seriously can't hardly believe it at all, either.

In some less scary as fuck news... I updated my about page too. It includes an actual picture of me, so you can look at my dumb assed face. I specialize in being somewhat startled looking. Can you blame me?

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