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Click for Kwangju, South Korea Forecast

2007-08-10 - point form:

1) The rest of my trip to Beijing went really well! I even made some friends in my tour group, two young, friendly lawyers from London. I like travel friends! We watched a bootlegged copy of the transformers movie in the hotel bar. Rad!

2) But, now that my mini vacation is over, I have The Stress. Because I have to a ton of stuff in Korea before I go to Canada again. Overseas moving is very crazy. The good news is that my future-roommate has found an apartment, will sign the lease tomorrow, and we can move in on the 25th, which is the day I land in Toronto. So no couch-surfing for me! On the down side, I still have a lot of crap to do. You know, close utility accounts, pay bills, pack up and ship items, and tie up the million loose-ends that are inevitable when you're moving. It's all compounded because I am moving overseas, so it's not like in University where you switch apartments and you just tell the new people to keep your mail because you'll pop by in a few days to collect it and whatnot. However, i do know the person who is moving into my apartment, I just don't want to inconvenience him by making him send my crap overseas because I am too disorganized to have taken care of stuff beforehand.

And, I do admit: I am kind of disorganized when it comes to my personal life. At work, I am totally on the ball. My desk is neat, I remember dates and appointments, I keep a schedule, and I am an apt employee. In my personal life, total opposite. I am a spaz, relying too much on memory and thus forgetting a lot of things. Thing is, I'm not paid to have a personal life, but I am paid to have a job, so that's incentive for you. Also, no matter how many times it backfires, I still do the thing where I tell my self "Oh, I will TOTALLY remember to do This and That Day. I won't forget, it's so easy. I'll remember for sure!" And then? TURBO FORGOTTEN. Do you do that, too? I'm sure I'm not the only one who has too much confidence in her own short-term memory.

3) Also, did I mention it is like eleventy-billion degrees right now? it is very hot. And humid. Oven Mitt, who is normally a very touchy-feely sort of cat, has been avoiding all unnecessary contact and movement. She spends the days wilted and stretched out on various household surfaces, looking forlorn, fitfully trying to nap. If you try to pet her, she moves away, looking very unimpressed indeed. Also, she is shedding like crazy, which means there is HAIR EVERYWHERE. Being sweaty around a shedding animal is not cool, let me tell you.

4) I applied to school. Yes, more school for me! I'm fixing to go to Seneca college in Toronto, to take broadcast journalism. I want to be on the radio. I think that would be pretty neat. I am a news junkie, so I may as well put it to good use and actually, you know, talk about the news. I thought about doing it on TV, but the truth is I hate dressing up, and I can't care that much about my appearance. I mean, when was the last time you saw a news anchor look even remotely rumpled, sleepy, or poorly coiffed? That is a job in itself, people! I'd much rather wear shorts and tee shirts and sit in a studio and talk real nice, without being judged on how I dress. Because sometimes, a news anchor wears a bad tie or a weird brooch, and you just cant' stop going "that is not a nice tie/brooch"! Do you ever do that? I do. I admit it.

There's a woman on CNN International who does business news, and she is UBER PREGNANT right now. And she was talking about the stock exchange, and all I could think of was how big her boobs were. Also, how she looks ready to pop, she is so pregnant. And I know pregancy is totally different from wearing an ugly blouse or what have you, but still, I admit, I get distracted by big boobs. I mean, they were HUGE.

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