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Click for Kwangju, South Korea Forecast

2007-05-16 - Everything is fine:

Last week I made it official that I'm not going to renew my teaching contract in August. Koreans are generally very proud of their country, so they don't understand why anyone would want to leave after living here for two years. I just told them that I planned on going back to school, to avoid a lot of stupid questions and potentially awkward moments. It is partly true, anyway, because i do expect I'll get a master's degree before i turn 30. Which, as of August 2007, is only four years away. (Wow).





1) I need a haircut, but I am not motivated enough to go the hair cut place. The people there are so enthusiastic, it's kind of creepy.

2) So the cat. I was gonna name it Ovenmitt, but it's gonna be Omelet. For real this time. She's doing well, and her cone is off. She was declawed. Don't email me to tell me that it's mean to declaw. The furniture in my apartment isn't mine (it belongs to my school), and I don't want to have to replace it when it comes time for me to leave.

3) The novel is going well. The program ends in July, and not June, as I previously thought. To celebrate this extra time, I blew off an entire week of writing, and now I feel guilty about it. As a result, I've been trying to over-rationalize the break by claiming "brainstorming" sessions.

4) I had yet another sinus cold this week. Korea, for the record, has been hell on my sinuses. I've never had any problems with them until I moved here.

5) My friend opened a grocery store! It is full of awesome, imported food. I've had Greek salad with feta cheese for dinner three nights in a row. Even though cheese is hard on my system, it is so totally worth it.

6) I've accumulated more crap in my apartment than I know what to do with. I'm going to start shipping stuff home en mass in the next few months, so I don't have to haul stuff myself.



I wonder what the cop is thinking.... Act natural... don't look at her boobs.... act natural..... don't look at her boobs..... act natural..... boobs.... OMG I looked at her boobs!!!11

Best. Cement Truck. EVAR.

I can watch this animated .gif forever! The more I watch, the more I giggle.

This also makes me laugh. I am a sucker for puns, etc. I am kind of a nerd.

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