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Click for Kwangju, South Korea Forecast

2007-04-11 - Ha ha!:

What is up, suckers? I am at the airport. I'm feeling kind of weird because I am excited and nervous and I'm already kinda tired, and I'm going to be awake for like 16 more hours at least. So that is a party.

This whole travelling with liquids thing is annoying. I had to put my toothpaste and hand sanitizer in a special bag. Terrorists ruin everything for everyone. Boo! I bought some raspberry wine and it had to be all sealed in a special bag. How a person can make a harmful device out of raspberry wine, toothpaste, and hand santizer is beyond me. I'm gonna stop talking about this now before I get flagged and arrested or something crappy.

Today it is a nice 20 degrees C, and that is pretty awesome. But in Canada it is going to be all cold and wet. I'm not excited about that so much.

All things aside, I kinda like airports. People are funny to watch. And at the airport? They have these carts? That people drive around? And there's a huge broom on the front! It is like a zamboni for tiles. I want to drive it so bad, but I'll prolly get in trouble. Another cool thing about them is that they go way faster than zambonis. You can speed and sweep. Maybe that's why Korea changed it's slogan to "Korea, Sparkling." (Yes, they really did).

But you know what the best thing about being in an airport is? Not being at work! HA HA! SUCKAS!

But, airports are kind of expensive to hang out in, too. Everything is marked-up. Except duty-free stuff, that is. It is CRAZY LAND. The thing I hate most about airports, though, is finding out that the annoying child behind you in the check-in line is also going to be your seatmate. I am pro-sedation of children in-transit. Either drug em up, or put them in the cargo bay along with dogs and cats. It's nice down there, and it's only for a little while, I promise. Here's a colouring book and a flashlight. No sippy-cup, or you'll have to pee!

Did I mention? I'm going to Canada for like a week to go to a wedding. My friends are starting to marry-off, which is weird. It's like in Friends, when they started marrying-off. Then the show wasn't good anymore. Actually, the show kind of went south when Ross and Rachel started their dating thing, but watevs. But my show? It keeps getting better all the time! I'm not going to let things turn out like that Joey Tribiani spin-off show that lasted about 30 seconds.

Man, my analogy sucked! Sorry dudes!

Anyway, I'm going to be away for a little over a week. Which is why i didn't update the comic. I just have no time at all. It's not you, it's me. But since I do a comic for free, you shouldn't be too upset. It's like complaining about the weather: you can't control it, so shut up about it!

Sorry this entry kind of blows. I'll do better next time, I promise.

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