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Click for Kwangju, South Korea Forecast

2007-01-16 - RHOMBUS!:

Well. I saw that Borat movie the other day. I didn't like it, though. I found it kind of... disturbing. And when it wasn't outwardly disturbing, it was blatantly dumb. The only part that really made me laugh was the stuff about the bear. It was also one of the more minor parts of the whole movie. So basically I wasted an hour and a half so that I could laugh about a bear in an ice cream truck. Boo!



I think it's awesome that you can imbed things with YouTube. So, I am going to share with you two things that I really loved:


These things are much better (and shorter) than Borat.

Aside: I just heard on the news that the Borat guy won a Golden Globe award for his performance. Double Booo!



If you are feeling blue, maybe it will help (at least for a little while) if you look at Cute Overload. It compiles cuteness, and it is very hard not to go "Aaaawwww!" when looking at this website.

Similarly, if you are a dog person, The Daily Puppy is a good bet. I am a sucker for the cute.

Also, I stumbled across this website that has some cool doodles and artwork. It kind of reminds me of the artwork in the Roald Dahl books. Mabe that interests you? There is also a few videos on the site, including one in which the author rolls around in a pile of balloons for five minutes. It is hard to watch it without laughing.



1) Today I attended and assisted in some interviews for new English teachers for the School Board. It was good. But the best part was when I looked out the window and saw a field hockey tournament. Hockey. It was awesome.

2) There is some bird flu happening in Japan. This is not very good news. But, over all, I think that the bird flu epidemic thingy is not as bad as everyone thought it was going to be. It still has a chance to get bad, of course. But, it seems to be waning.

3) This evening I had another one of my OCD, drop everything and clean interludes. Just so you know. My apartment smells really good now. If only you could smell it!

4) I am using Skype now. It is one of the coolest things ever. I phoned my mum this morning, just cuz. I usually suck at keeping in touch via telephone over long distances. But my geekyness for testing every feature of Skype overrides my laziness for telephoning people.

5) I am going to go grocery shopping tomorrow, and I am actually looking forward to it, because I am a dorkwad.

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