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Click for Kwangju, South Korea Forecast

2006-01-24 - Oh, Canada!:

I've been listening to CBC radio coverage of the Canadian election for over three hours, and I'm really having some issues here. Why is Stephen Harper the Prime Minister now? Why?

A lot of stuff has happened during this campaign. Some is OK, some is weird, and some things I don't know what to think. For example:
1) I convinced my mom to vote NDP. My mom is secretly leftist, and she'll make you a mean spaghetti sauce while she does it.
2) My sister voted for the first time this election. It's pretty awesome. She voted NDP too, and I like to think that I've got something to do with it.
3) My Dad and his friends voted for the GREEN PARTY. Now, I have no problems with the Green party. I'm just really floored that my DAD and HIS FRIENDS are voting this way. And they are being adamant about it, saying that if you don't vote Green, you're wasting your vote, and stuff like that. That and my dad is not exactly Mr. Eco. He complains about recycling EVERY TIME he has to do it.
4) Stephen Harper. I mean, come on! He is like George Bush. What is wrong with you people. He is one of the few people in the world I would puke-punch.*

* A "puke-punch" is when someone is so gross/stupid/etc that they make you vomit on them in disgust. Then, you punch them in the face because they made you vomit in the first place.



I never understand what happens to me in this department. I am pretty sure that I am some kind of retarded.



Since I've been in Korea, I've really sucked at cooking food. I just don't know how to cook things given the resources I have. Normally, if I try to make something new, it is easy, and tasty. Here I've completely ruined and thrown out at least five dinners, and then eaten at a restaurant afterwords. Not only that, the things I cook that are passable are really not that tasty, I just eat it because I feel bad wasting food even if it tastes kind of bad. Nothing is normal! The food here is crazy!



On CBC radio there is this guy that does all the French-to-English translations in elecotral candidates' speeches and stuff. THis man sounds like he has a horrible headcold, is 1000 years old, and is about to lapse into a coma. Also, he keeps making translation mistakes. Get a new translator guy, CBC!



I'm pretty unhappy with the state of canada at the moment. I propose that we scrap the results of the elections and just let Peter Mansbridge be the Prime Minsister of Canada. He is the most awesome person, you guys, and you know it.

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