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2005-01-10 - Define "fun":

Have you seen Napoleon Dynamite? You should, if you haven't yet. I think it is my new favorite thing. I require this DVD. Gosh!

Also, I have problems with dance clubs. I think it's because they are so painfully heterosexual. The music is usually hip-hop crap, where men are gangstas and women are bitches. There are girls dressed in trashy clothes that are too tight, dancing with boys in clothes that are too big. The boys play a dominant role in the dance, and the girls play a passive role of sexual object. The boys never touch other boys, and the girls only touch each other if it will get the attention of boys around them.

After having been to a lot of queer dance functions, I have to say I like the queer ones a lot better. Much more liberating; there is no convention to conform to, and nobody expects any one else to fufill a role pre-set by the tone of the music being played. Of course, in certain circles it can still be like a meat-market, but in a queer context it is much more refreshing and interesting than something that routinely plays out in hetero clubs - something which mirrors what gets played out in rapper/hip-hop videos the world over.

Maybe this just means I am getting old, but really, there is only a small window of opportunity for me to enjoy myself at a hetero club, and that window is delicately regulated with alcohol consumption. Ah well.

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