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2005-06-28 - Feral cats are not friends:

Yesterday evening Cam and I noticed that there were cats on our roof. Three cats! On the roof! Of a three storey building, somehow! They were all really curious and were meowing at Noodles, who was meowing back all confused.

Anyway, we decided to find a way to get the cats down and let them go outside. So Cam climbed up on some furniture on our balcony and coaxed the cats over to him with some kitty treats. After a few tries, he managed to grab one cat and hand it down to me. I set it down and it roamed around our apartment a bit checking stuff out. The cat was pretty mellow and then got all obsessed with a catnip toy for noodles.

The other cats on the roof got suspicious of us, so we let them be for a while to try again later. But as I was putting this first cat outside, it didn't want to go! It kept running back into our apartment when I set it out on the fire escape stairs. So I started to carry it down the stairs and it suddenly flipped out and attacked me. My neighbour stood there staring at me the whole time, until I told her that it wasn't my cat and to please help me. The cat was clinging to my shirt and making horrible noises and woudn't let me go and stuff. Eventually I pried it away, gave it a swift kick and shut the door. Stupid cat!

The lesson is: never help a strange outdoor cat because it is probably wild and secretly evil. It will attack you and claw your hands up and scratch your booby through your bra (seriously, my boob was bleeding - eew!).

So I disinfected all my cuts and told Cam that those other two cats on the roof could go to hell, since, judging by their friend, they were probably wild too.

So that is what happened last night. Today it was pretty freaking hot and humid (as it has been for a while). I went to Tim Horton's to do some work for my correspondence course because it is air-conditioned there. I don't remember if I told you but I am specializing my TESL certificate in English Grammar so that I can get paid more, as it would bring my total TESL certification up to 100 hours of coursework instead of the original 60.

Anyway, I finished all the course readings today, and now I just have to write the test and mail it in so that I can be certified for 100 hours. I will probably go back to Tim Horton's to do it because it is easier to concentrate when you are not all sweaty and in the boiling heat.

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