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2005-05-09 - Unemployment means playing too many video games:

I am a big fan of Drew's random Live Journal picture generator. Although right now, because it is springtime, a lot of people are posting pics of their proms, and that is annoying.

Personally, my prom was really boring. I left early and drank with some of my more boistrus family members. I have never really met anybody who enjoyed their prom, really. People are always like, "it was OK up until _____________ happened." A running joke I have with my friends is that whenever something really bad/tedious/stupid happens, we shout "Just like Prom!" and pretend to cry like a drama-queen. Because I'm pretty sure there was that one girl that cried uncontrollably at everyone's prom for some reason. If it was you, than that is too bad!

Anyway, in other news I am "between jobs" which is a delicate way of saying that I am unemployed, but it probably won't be for long *finger crossing*. On Saturday I started taking this course to be certified to teach English as a second language, so that should be rad. It is a three-week course, and it is insensive and also a lot of fun. Pretty soon I will able to get a job abroad somewhere, so that is super rad.

My visit with the parents went OK, in case you are wondering. It was a ho-hum visit, which is really the best you can expect, because usually it is a combative visit. So I am glad! I took some pictures of my parents' puppy dog, which I will hopefully remember to upload for next time.

Oh, and FYI, I updated twice in the past couple weeks but I don't think that the email notify list processed what I was doing. So (if you care) you might want to check back a few entries and see if you are up-to-date (barf).

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